카테고리 없음

세바시 (강대준님) 회계를 알면 세상이 보인다

연신유찐3 2025. 2. 21. 12:34




눈으로 볼 수 없는 것을 보는
지혜를 키우시기 바랍니다.

회계사의 역할과 중요성

1. 회계사의 업무

회계사는 크게 세 가지 업무를 수행합니다.

  • 회계 감사: 기업의 회계정보가 올바르게 기록되었는지 검토합니다.
  • 세무 업무: 연말정산, 상속, 증여, 양도소득세 등의 세금 관련 업무를 수행합니다.
  • 경영 컨설팅: 기업의 운영상 어려움을 해결하는 데 도움을 줍니다.

2. 회계의 필요성

회계는 단순한 숫자가 아니라 의사결정을 돕는 중요한 정보입니다.
예를 들어, 커피를 선택할 때 칼로리 정보를 보면 결정이 달라질 수 있습니다.
이처럼 회계는 정보를 제공하여 더 나은 선택을 하도록 돕습니다.


3. 개인의 회계정보

개인도 회계적 사고를 적용할 수 있습니다.
예를 들어, 한 사람이 자신의 자산과 부채를 정리해 보면 다음과 같습니다.

  • 자산: 4억 원 (아파트, 차량 포함)
  • 부채: 3억 5천만 원 (전세보증금, 대출, 마이너스 통장)
  • 순자산(자본): 5천만 원

이를 통해 재무 상태를 명확히 파악할 수 있습니다.


4. 분식회계와 허위 정보

기업들은 자산을 부풀리거나 부채를 줄여 보이도록 회계를 조작할 수 있습니다.
이를 "분식회계"라고 하며, 개인도 소득을 과장하거나 자산을 부풀리는 등의 방식으로 이를 활용하기도 합니다.


5. 회계 정보의 중요성

기업이나 기관이 제공하는 회계정보를 올바르게 이해하면 투자나 소비에서 더 나은 선택을 할 수 있습니다.
예를 들어, 한 상조회사의 재무정보를 확인한 결과,

  • 자산: 200억 원
  • 부채: 600억 원
  • 자본: -400억 원

이처럼 재무 상태가 부실한 기업은 위험성이 높으므로 투자나 거래를 신중하게 고려해야 합니다.


6. 회계를 통한 세상 이해

회계를 알면 단순한 숫자 이상의 것을 볼 수 있습니다.
예를 들어, 국민연금이나 투자한 펀드가 어떻게 운영되는지를 이해할 수 있으며,
기업의 재무제표를 분석하여 올바른 투자 결정을 내릴 수 있습니다.

회계를 이해하면 세상이 보이고, 나은 선택을 있습니다.



회계는 우리에게 어려운 정보(숫자 등)를 이야기 한다는 설명이 아주 쉽게 잘 해주신 점이 좋았다. 그리고 어려운 회계 이야기를 세상 이야기처럼 즐겁게 이야기해주셔서 많은 것을 배울 수 있었다. :) 꼭 한번 전체 영상을 보시길 추천드려요!



The Role of an Accountant and the Importance of Financial Intelligence



(Audience: Applause and Cheers)
Hello, nice to meet you. Thank you.

I am an accountant. Do you know what an accountant does?
(Audience: Accounting.) What exactly do we do? (Audience: Accounting.)
Yes, we do accounting. (Laughter)

My father is a pastor. (Laughter) He always tells me to repent.

The Three Main Duties of an Accountant

Accountants primarily perform three main tasks. My company is called "Samil Accounting Corporation," which means "Be number one in three areas."

  1. Auditing Financial Statements
    When you receive financial information, you need to check if everything is correct. That’s where auditing comes in.
  2. Tax Services
    Are you interested in taxes? Are you currently doing your year-end tax adjustments? (Audience: Yes.)
    Or dealing with inheritance, gift taxes, or capital gains taxes?
    I don’t have gifts for you today, so instead, I’ll provide free tax consultations after this talk. (Laughter)
  3. Business Consulting
    When you run a business, you face difficulties. Accountants help solve those problems through consulting.

Spreading Financial Intelligence

Among these three tasks, I find something even more interesting.
I believe financial intelligence should not be limited to experts.
That’s why I share my knowledge through lectures and training sessions.

One of the executives at my company even gave me a nickname: "Financial Evangelist." (Laughter)
My father was thrilled. He thought I was studying theology. (Laughter)

Why Everyone Needs Accounting Knowledge

Most of the people I meet are not accountants.
They work in marketing, research, or even as chefs and nutritionists.
You might wonder, “Why do these people need accounting?”
But numbers are everywhere in our lives.

I have interacted with around 30,000 people, and they all say the same thing:
"Numbers are complicated."
And yes, accounting involves calculations, but those numbers help us make better decisions.

For example, if you're tired and considering a cup of coffee, you have two options:
Caramel macchiato or an Americano.
Ladies often prefer Americanos, while men sometimes go for something sweet.

Now, what if I show you some numbers? (Audience: Calories!)
A caramel macchiato has 390 kcal. Does this information change your decision?
If you’re on a diet, you might reconsider.

Accounting works the same way. It provides measurable data to help manage and plan better.

Accounting in Personal Life

Have you ever watched the show The Love Match? (Audience: Yes.)
For those who have been on blind dates, what do you look at first?
Face, right? (Laughter)

But when you reach your 30s, you start looking at other things.
Some people treat marriage like an M&A (mergers and acquisitions) deal. (Laughter)
It’s unfortunate because M&A is about merging companies, not relationships.

So, I thought, what if we expressed personal financial status using accounting?
Would anyone volunteer to share their financial data?
(You must have some debt!) (Laughter)
If not, I’ll use my own finances.

My Personal Finances

Let me disclose my financial information.
I own an apartment in Seoul. (Audience: Wow!)
I’ve worked hard.

I also have a car, and my total assets are worth around 400 million KRW. (Laughter)
Why are you laughing?
You’re probably thinking, "He must have debt, right?"

Yes, I do.
I have about 350 million KRW in liabilities. (Laughter)

Here’s a breakdown:

  • 170 million KRW in a jeonse (rental deposit) loan
  • 100 million KRW in a mortgage loan
  • 50 million KRW from a negative balance account (overdraft)
  • 30 million KRW borrowed from my mother

I initially categorized my mother’s loan as capital, not debt. (Laughter)
I never considered my mother as my creditor. Instead, I saw her as my shareholder.

What do shareholders receive?
I thought giving her money on holidays was enough, but she insisted I repay her in full.

Understanding Financial Health

So, what’s my net worth?
If I subtract my 350 million KRW in liabilities from my 400 million KRW in assets, my equity is 50 million KRW.

In accounting, assets must always equal liabilities plus equity.
This is an essential principle.

However, in real life, people often engage in “window dressing” (fraudulent financial reporting).
Companies do this to make their assets look bigger and debts smaller.

The term “window dressing” comes from the Chinese character for "powder" (粉), as in putting on makeup.
Just like some people enhance their looks with makeup, some businesses manipulate their financial statements.

Financial Red Flags: Capital Impairment

Assets must have economic benefits.
Debts, on the other hand, represent obligations.
Understanding this distinction is crucial.

Many companies lack profit reserves.
They keep losing money until they start eating into their initial investment—this is called capital impairment.

One day, I discovered a company with 70,000 Korean investors that was in capital impairment.
My mother called me after seeing a home shopping ad about a funeral service company and asked me to invest.
I checked its financial statements and was shocked.

The company had:

  • 20 billion KRW in assets
  • 60 billion KRW in liabilities

Since assets must equal liabilities plus equity, what was its equity? Negative 40 billion KRW.
This means the company had lost more money than it originally had.

Their liabilities came from customer payments for future services, but they didn’t see it as debt.
The company was spending 200 billion KRW while only earning 20 billion KRW.
Eventually, a fraud scandal broke out, and the company faced serious issues.

The Importance of Financial Awareness

Do you have a national pension plan?
Do you know how your funds are managed?

Financial statements are sent out every quarter or annually.
Take a moment to review them.

I once conducted a feasibility study on a business.
To analyze its profitability, I had to travel to Bolivia.
Has anyone been to Bolivia?

It’s on the other side of the world.
There, I visited a tin mine to assess its business potential.

Even when you physically visit a business, it can be hard to evaluate.
A local expert there told me, “Out of 100 people in this industry, 99...”



세바시 신청법



세바시 강연회 - 세바시랜드

